#6 Training Buddies RockSeries: Things I Wish I Knew as a New Triathlete.
My family moved from New York to Minnesota and I became the new kid on the block. Each day my Dad walked me up and down our block looking for other families with young kids. Fortunately we found several. My sister and I joined the neighborhood pack and spent our free time
running wild and loving it.
As an adult, training for my first iron-distance triathlon, I desperately needed some pack time. But, I was intimidated by the large local triathlon clubs. I tried a couple of clubs' rides but I felt awkward. I thought I was: too inexperienced, too slow & too heavy to fit in! I felt like an idiot and my shyness made
Twilight's Bella Swan seem outgoing.
My Ironman training suffered. While triathlon is an individual sport, a good training buddy is a powerful training boost! The right training partner(s) can: motivate, encourage, & push you to become a stronger, wiser, healthier & happier triathlete.
Years later I'd finally connect with some great training buddies:
- Amy V, Bob, Steve & Sarah took care of me on my first bike tour.
- Amy G & I rocked spin class.
- Stephanie and I trained together for her first sprint triathlon.
- Teri & I power-walked the hills in our neighborhood.
- Anna, Betsy & I work our core and more while doing Zumba together.
Elaine Benes has nothing on our dance moves...)
And, I've found friendship and confidence participating in online tri communities. Visit me in
active.com's triathlon community, I'm a volunteer moderator! I love chatting with other triathletes. Come check us out.
And, visit
GOTRIbal, a global organization aimed at empowering women and promoting triathlon around the world. With two-time World Ironman Champion Chrissie Wellington's support GOTRIbal is quickly connecting triathletes across the world.
Visit GOTRIbalQuestions for you:- Do you train with a pack?
- How did you get connected and what have you learned by training with a friend/group?
- What communities have you grown to love?
Triathlon is a rewarding sport for people of all ages and abilities. 2009 is your year to taste triathlon. As a triathlete, you'll surprise yourself as you face fears and set personal bests. You'll be more confident, have more energy and smile more often. People will be drawn to that difference. Triathlon is a rewarding sport for people of all ages and abilities, wearing underwear is optional. Sleestak sightings rare. Dogs, many. Bunnies, eaten. Friends essential.
Check out Why You Can series:
Common excuses:1-
I have no time. 2-
I can't afford it. 3-
I'm too old. 4-
I'm afraid. 5-
I'm not an athlete.Series: Things I Wish I Knew As a New Triathlete:
#1 My swimsuit was see-through.
Go Commando: Things I Wish I Knew#3 Land of the Lost Training#4 Chopper, sic'em, Boy!#5 I Ate the Bunnyphotos: top-My dad & I sit on the backyard fence of our new MN home. bottom-Stephanie & I before the start of our swim. Excited to race!!