My run-walk-run was OK. I think my second half was faster, so I was pleased with that. I smiled crossing the finish and was grateful for the opportunity to race again. Ken was in the last swim wave, so I waited to see him come in on the bike and start the run. Then I packed up our gear while enjoying the gorgeous Wisconsin morning.
As I waited, I struggled with my finish time (1:51:45). I'm an IM triathlete, I should be faster right? I'm getting my USAT Level 1 Coaching Certification, I should be faster? I have a tattoo, I should obviously be fast. While I'm being somewhat silly here, I do have these nonsense discussions with myself post-race. I want to be faster. I'm just not there yet. Some things I can't force. (I had PF for 6 months last year.) For me it's a mix of strength, confidence, aerobic capacity and mental skills, all coming together.
Ken finished strong with a 2nd place agegroup and 11th place overall. He missed Top 10 by 1:47. He immediately thought of one place that ate time. We moved on, overall very happy with the race and being able to be there together.
We walked over to the food tent and enjoyed our post-race meal: hotdogs, fruit, chocolate, beer & cheese! It was great. As we ate, a lady doing her first triathlon approached the finish line area. As she ran down the street she called out, "I am amazing!!! I'm finishing my first triathlon!!!"
I immediately teared up, the way I do when watching the Olympics. At the same moment I was both happy for and envious of this woman. She knows she's amazing and she was able to shout it out as she became a triathlete.
Question for you:
Have you had a finish-line moment like this? As an athlete or as a spectator?
p.s. If you missed Steve in a Speedo?! Gross!'s post on his SUGOI Velocity tri suit, check it out here. WARNING-this post gets somewhat intimate!
p.s.s. The New Glarus Brewery was amazing! We stopped after the event. I don't think Ken liked this sample, the Dancing Man maybe.
photos: by me/us.
i always love crossing that finish line. doesn't matter what distance or how hard i pushed it, the finish line is always a welcome sight.
There is no better feeling that crossing the finish line with your hands raised in the air. Well, okay...there may be a few other things, but it's right up there in the top five. ;)
How wonderful for that woman that she felt so proud finishing her first tri! Hopefully it is the start of many more. I felt like that when I finished the NYC marathon in 2002. It took almost 5 hours but I didn't care and it felt amazing! It's 3rd in line behind giving birth and marrying my husband. :)
The first few times I finished a triathlon I felt the same way. It was amazing.
Sadly, I've kind of lost that feeling lately. I mostly just feel slow. I want to feel incredible again. :-)
Carolina John - Yes I think the finish rewards well no matter the distance
iMultisport - Definitely Top 5 :-)
Karin & Brian - I agree, I was so happy for her to know how incredible she is
Lisa Slow-n-steady - YES! This is what I'm feeling too. I want to feel pure happiness -- incredible!
Sounds like a very fun race. I wish I could hear what that woman thought about her first triathlon, sounds like she enjoyed it, right?! Nice race!
I've followed your blog for a while and read this one shortly after you posted it. I just finished my first triathlon yesterday and, while I didn't raise my arms and shout it to the crowd, during the last mile of the run, I kept the mental image of that woman you saw with me as I kept going, knowing I was doing the same. Thanks for the little bit of motivation at the end. :)
Teenage Tri Queen- I do too. I wish I did a formal interview!@!
Ducky - I'm coming to your blog to read all about your finish!! I'm glad the mental image helped! Thanks for sharing that here!
I finished my first tri on Sunday. It was amazing to cross the finish line; although, I wept upon finishing the swim (6 months ago, I could barely do the length of the pool)! I'm looking forward to the next.
Terri! Congratulations! I can understand the swim emotions. I don't have a swim background, so each time I've started swimming again is really rough! Well done going from zero experience to your first tri finish!! I'd love to read your race report.
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