WOW - tri shorts are incredible! And these slinky shorts soon became my "Mrs. Incredible shorts" AKA Elastigirl from The Incredibles. The Hydro-Shifter fabric is amazing -- it's made to cut through water and air and it feels awesome against my skin. (Picture: right, me goofing around in May with my new shorts. Left, below, free download from The Incredibles site.)

Recently I applied to become a SUGOI Brand Champion. It made sense. I loved my shorts and Brand Champion athletes receive discounts on special training and racing gear. Hmmm... More tri shorts!! Brand Champions also receive support at major running and triathlon events in North America. I was happy to find out this week that I'm on board with SUGOI Brand Champions -- thanks SUGOI!
SUGOI's roots: SUGOI is a Japanese word that means incredible. !!!
SUGOI's mission: to Fuel Personal Bests
SUGOI Brand Champions program: "is geared toward supporting athletes who choose to wear SUGOI and inspire others on a daily basis."
Other SUGOI Brand Champion Athletes:
This Runner's World
Checkout the complete blogroll for SUGOI Brand Champion runners and triathletes @ the SUGOI Brand Champion site. Or add your link below in the comments! Meet SUGOI's own Incredible Jane and apply to be a SUGOI Brand Champion here.
Questions for You:
- Did it take you 14 years to discover tri shorts? :-)
- What is your favorite piece of tri gear?
Photo credits: Free download from The Incredibles official site.
Congrats! I love, love, love, love Sugoi stuff. You MUST try their bike shorts if you haven't already- whoa! I'm not saying they'll change you life, but if I had to put my money on a piece of clothing that could/would change your life, my money is on their bike shorts.
It took me about 1.4 seconds to get a pair of tri shorts- I think it was actually my first tri-specific purchase :) But my favorite tri gear (does it count as gear?) is my bike! LOVE my bike even though I'm a disaster on it :)
You rock!
Great blog with nice pictures.
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i love sugoi gear, and have 2 one-piece tri suits and some tri shorts too. plus some other sugoi stuff. and i just applied to be a brand ambassador today. very cool that you got in!
Congratulations!! I love Sugoi gear. Their winter running tights are my favorite!
Kat - yes, it's time to check out the bike shorts! :-)
Velma - thanks! as do you!
Soccer fanatic - soccer's been my lifelong sport.
Carolina John - yes, a 1-piece trisuit sounds interesting!
Runner Leanna- thanks for visiting & commenting! I recently shrunk my favorite winter running tights ... and now they are capris. :(
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