The Voice of Ironman Mike Reilly
As a Cinderella Ironman Finisher I (Sara) heard The Voice of Ironman Mike Reilly call out my name welcoming me to "the club." Two years earlier my hubby Ken didn't hear The Voice when Ken crossed at Ironman Wisconsin. Reilly was there, and speaking, but my husband Ken was so focused that he tuned out his surroundings.
Ken's not alone. For many Ironman triathletes Reilly's famous words "YOU are an Ironman," obsessively call out to them during their long months of training. The words echo in and out during race day, waiting. So what happens when Reilly doesn't say "it"?
Find out by watching Active.com reporter Jessi Stensland's detailed interview with Mike Reilly from this year's Ford Ironman World Championships. You'll also learn:
- Something about race day Reilly will never grow tired of.
- Where's the hot corner for Ironspectators?
- What it's like up in the tower in Race Central.
- What's Reilly's biggest fear?
Stensland says Reilly's never called her name and she doesn't hear that happening in the future. "I've never had the desire to do an Ironman," says Stensland. "I like to train and race short, hard, often and now ... off-road."
I admire Stensland's confidence. She knows as an athlete what she's passionate about. Without passion, training and racing at any distance comes up empty. For me the most-moving post-finishline moments have more to do with what I gave to get there than simply the distance covered.
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- i am still looking for my "signature" distance
- Ahhh, the magic of the finishline, or what I call the "reward" The reward, is for all the hard work you put in, the sacrifices, the commitment, the long training days, the self doubt, fighting the people who didnt believe in you, hugging the people that did. It when it comes full circle, race day, aka the reward is the reason we do all of this.
great interview. It was great to hear riley in person (even though I was just a volunteer). I don't know my golden distance yet.
I love the finish line- more so then when rowing. This year it meant that I did something I have always wanted to do. I put it all (individually) on the line. The line can also mean relief as it did in Chicago for me this year at the marathon
I love to swim and bike and even though I started as a runner, it really doesn't give me the high that swimming and running do. I alos love to hunt...
My magic distance would be a 1/2 IM...seems I can still race at that distance and enjoy myself.
I never heard my name as I crossed the line this year...I remember running into a bright white light focused on the clock...kinda like entering into heaven maybe? All I could think of was seeing my husband at the finish line...that's what made it all worthwhile for me this time around!
Big Daddy Diesel - I like the term "signature" distance. :-) Let's get to the finish in 2010!!
Velma - Thanks! I'm not sure I know mine either. Basically this year I have to actually learn to ride my bike... I know I should already know that.
Mike - my husband is also a hunter. I hope you had a good season!
Fe-lady: I think a lot of athletes miss that part of the finish experience! Yes, the white lights of heaven at the finish. :-)
When's the next time?
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