I opened a present early and was able to test them out on the long drive and after a marathon-like day trip to the Magic Kingdom. Hubby bought me my first compression-type item. (Picture: My calf likes its De Soto Compression Recovery socks.) I'm excited to test them out with different variables. So far, I like the squeeze!
I bought a few more things to try in the New Year:
2 beautiful tops from SkirtSports.
For me, it's the year of the bike, so my new pink cycling jersey will get good use! And the blue top has cool tattoo detailing that I am soft for, I had to buy it. I can wear it while leading my weekly Village Bootcamp workout or while picking up the kids from school.
And from SUGOI, I bought this incredible Brand Champions hat! It's called the BC Rocket Cap. I love the colors, design and material. I was surprised how perfectly it came out of the bubble-mailer. For me, the bill was exactly right, no bending necessary. I also like the reflective strip. I have a few other items in mind, but some are sold out, so I'll have to wait.

Questions for You:
- What's new in your New Year?
- Do you have a main tri focus for 2010?photo credits: by me
Nice stuff! I love my compression socks
- Still working on whats new\
- My tri focus is 2 things, beating my time from my first tri in the rematch and a 70.3 as my "a" race
Happy New Year and Happy New Stuff!
In 2010, I'm going to focus more on running than tris. Though I've run over 50 marathons, I have yet to ever run a 10K so that will be my new thing for 2010.
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